1.who's=who is
2.she's = she is
3.he's = he is
4.what's = what is
5.where’s= where is
6.we're = we are
7.you're = you are
8.that's = that is
9.I'm = I am
10.isn't = is not
11.aren't = are not
12.they're = they are
13.don't = do not
14.let's = let us
15.can’t = can not
16. it's = it is
17. I’ve = I have
18. I’d = I would
19. hasn’t = has not
1.bus —— buses
2.box —— boxes
3.glass —— glasses
4.class —— classes
5.watch —— watches
6.mango —— mangoes
7.firefly —— fireflies
8.sheep —— sheep
9.people —— people
10.man —— men
11.woman —— women
12.apple —— apples
13.family —— families
14.library —— libraries
15.baby —— babies
16.boy —— boys
17.toy —— toys
18.child ——children
19.foot —— feet
20.strawberry— strawberries
21.horse —— horse
23.dress —— dresses
24. fish —— fish
25.tooth —— teeth
26.country — countries
27. foot —— feet
28.dragonfly —dragonflies
29.me —— us
31. cloth——clothes
32. this —— these
33. that ——those
34.circle —— circles
35.story —— stories
1.same —— different
2.new ——old
3.old ——young
4.short —— long
5.big ——small
6.tall —— short
7.yes —— no
8.open —— close
9.hot —— cold
10.here —— there
11.sit ——stand
12.up ——down
13.thin ——fat
14.father —— mother
15.right —— wrong
16.black ——white
17.this —— that
18.these —— those
19.boy —— girl
20. grandfather —— grandmother
21.man ——woman
22.husband —— wife
23.aunt—— uncle
24.brother—— sister
25. he —— she
26. left —— right
27. go ——come
28. nurse ——doctor
29. good ——bad
30. minus —— plus
31. his —— her
32. busy—— free
33. hand ——foot
34. legs —— arms