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          高中 來源:網(wǎng)絡 編輯:小新 2018-10-08 11:41:49














            例:How much is the shirt?

            A. £19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18.


            1. What do es the man like about the play?

            A. The story. B. The ending. C. The actor.

            2 . Which place are the speakers trying to find?

            A. A hotel B. A bank C. A restaurant.

            3. At what time will the two speakers meet?

            A. 5:20 B. 5:10 C. 5:40

            4. What will the man do?

            A. Change the plan B. Wait for a phone call C. Sort things out

            5. What does the woman wa nt to do?

            A. See a film with the man.

            B. Offer the man some help.

            C. Listen to some great music.




            6. Where is Ban?

            A. In the kitchen. B. At school. C. In the park.

            7. What will the children do in the a fternoon?

            A. Help set the table B. Have a party C. Do their homework


            8. What are the speakers talking about?

            A. A family holiday. B. A business trip C. A travel pla n.

            9. What did Rachel go?

            A. Spain B. Italy C. China

            聽第8段材料,回答 第10至12題。

            10. How did the woman get to know about third-hand smoke?

            A. From young smokers.

            B. From a n ewspaper article

            C. From some smokin g parents

            11. Why does the man say that he would keep away from habits?

            A. He has just become a father.

            B. He wears dirty clothes.

            C. He is a smoker.

            12. What does the woman suggest smoking parents should do?

            A. Stop smoking altogether.

            B. Smoke only outside their rooms.

            C. Reduce dangerous matter in cigarettes.#p#副標題#e#


            13. Where does Michelle Ray come from?

            A. A middle-sized city. B. A small town. C. A big city

            14. Which place would Michelle Ray take her visitors to for shopping?

            A. The Zen Garden. B. The Highlands. C. The Red River area.

            15. What does Michelle Ray do for complete quiet?

            A. Go camping. B. Study in a library. C. Read at home.

            16. What does the speakers talking about?

            A. Late-night shopping. B. Asian food C. Louisville


            17. Why do some people say they never have dreams according to Dr Garfield?

            A. They forget about their dreams.

            B. They don’t want to tel l the truth.

            C. They have no bad experiences.

            18. Why did Davis stop having dreams?

            A. He got a serious heart attack.

            B. He was to sad about his brother’s death.

            C. He was frightened by a terrible dream.

            19. What is Dr Garfield’s opinion about dreaming?

            A. It is very useful. B. It makes things worse. C. It prevents the mind from working.

            20. Why do some people turn off their dreams completely?

            A. To sleep better. B. To recover from illnesses. C. To stay away from their problem.

            第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),40分)




            “Dear Daddy” Notes

            My father was the gentlest, most loving and caring dad in the world—until we had an argument. During those moments, he transformed into a stubborn man who never considered that there could be a side other than his own. My words surely never reached his “open mind” because his ears were closed. There was no point trying to argue with my dad. He always had the last word. I could never win.

            When my father refused to understand that I needed the privacy of a phone in my room, my frustration turned to tears. When he sensed that I was gaining the upper hand in defending my case for wearing lip gloss to school in junior high, he ended our “discussion”, leaving me silently defeated and miserable. So when he refused to change his idea about letting me go on my senior class trip to Montreal, I could do nothing but race from his room in despair. If I couldn’t get him to listen to my side of our arguments, maybe I could get him to read it.

            With the hope that his eyes would be more open than his ears, I began to plead(抗辯) my case in a note that began “Dear Daddy” and ended with how much I respected his opinion, how much I hated to fight with him and how much I valued our relationship and, above all, how much I loved him. I folded my note into an envelope, slid it under the door of his bedroom and raced back to my own room.

            It was only minutes before I heard a knock at my door. When I saw the look on my father’s face, I knew that my note had melted his temper, softened his stubbornness and touched his heart.

            The victory of winning my dad’s permission to go to Montreal was sweet. But even sweeter was the discovery of a strategy that enabled me to have an argument with my dad that didn’t end in tears, but instead with a hug. My “Dear Daddy” notes became a follow-up to many of our confrontations(對抗). During our most emotional arguments, when his unyielding final word drove me to tears, when his “I’m your father, that’s why!” left me speechless, I knew just how to get through to him.

            Years later, when my father died, his memory lived on through the many stories about him that friends and family continued to share. One of my favorites was the “Dear Daddy” notes. It always made me smile to remember some of our most passionate arguments and how my dad would become so pig-headed, until he read my notes. He surely must have seen through my calculating strategy, but he never let on; he enjoyed every note that turned him to see my way.

            21.What did the author think about her father during an argument?

            A. Gentle. B. Stubborn. C. Aggressive. D. Open-minded.

            22.The “Dear Daddy” notes could help the author ________.

            A. avoid meeting her father B. stop the argument with ease

            C. deliver her meassage more quickly D. make her father understand her

            23.After he died, the author’s father impressed her most with his ________.

            A. generous love B. pig-headed decision

            C. patient company D. heated discussion#p#副標題#e#


            Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining global popularity. According to a government white paper, TCM has been introduced in 183 countries and regions around the world.

            Westerners' understanding of TCM, however, may be limited to acupuncture, cupping and massage(針灸,拔罐和按摩). For instance, the purple, injury﹣like marks left on U. S. swimmer Michael Phelps,back from cupping for the purpose of relaxing his muscles and reducing pain became the center of attention during the Rio Olympics in 2016.

            As a matter of fact, Chinese herbs play a more important role in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body in good condition in the TCM treatment system than physical treatment. It is therefore disheartening to know that while 103 World Health Organization member countries have given approval to the practice of acupuncture, not many recognize Chinese herbal medicine. TCM falls far behind Western medicine owing partly to the slow development of Chinese herbs.

            Herbs are made into pills, powder and soup, and the kind of herbs used, their quality and quantity, and the processing of the ingredients (原材料) jointly determine the effectiveness of the prescription. Compared with Western medicine, which has standardized drug production processes and treatment methods, TCM lacks standardization, with the chemical composition and functions of its medicines being unclear and their effects being unstable. Fortunately, standardization has improved in recent decades, with an increasing number of factories producing patented TCM drugs.

            Another factor that has prevented the development of TCM prescription drugs is the lack of creativity. While Western medicine﹣making companies come up with new products every year, TCM drug producers tend to make medicines according to prescriptions handed down from the past. Chinese chemist Tu Youyou's winning the 2015Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her research into malaria (瘧疾) treatment may drive creativity to some extent in China's TCM industry. However, the current state of affairs cannot be changed within a short time.

            24.Why does the author mention the example of Michael Phelps?

            A. Because he was injured in his swimming.

            B. Because cupping is a kind of important TCM treatment.

            C. Because westerners know a little about TCM.

            D. Because westerners attach great importance to TCM.

            25.Why don't some member countries of WHO recognize Chinese herbal medicine?

            A. Because Chinese herbs can get rid of diseases.

            B. Because they only approve the practice of acupuncture.

            C. Because Western medicine is more effective.

            D. Because medicine made out of Chinese herbs develops slowly.

            26.Compared with Western medicine, what is the weak point of TCM in Paragraph 4?

            A. The methods of planting herbs. B. The effectiveness of prescription.

            C. Lacking in standardization. D. Its stable functions.

            27.The lack of creativity in TCM refers to the fact that   .

            A. medicine﹣making companies lack creativity

            B. prescriptions are got from the past

            C. Western companies are more experienced

            D. medicine﹣making companies lack driving force


            The world's first-known nursery for baby giant manta rays(蝠鲼) has been discovered hidden away in the Gulf of Mexico, the place of 70 miles off the coast of Texas, after studying decades of giant manta ray data from the area by the scientists.

            Where the baby manta rays grow up has long troubled scientists, as they are rarely spotted in the four to five years it takes them to become adults, when they can often grow to more than 20ft wide.

            In the study Mr Stewart and colleagues describe a reef (暗礁)---filled with mantas of all ages---where the sea floor runs down into deeper water. He said "We think they may be feeding on specific types of zooplankton(浮游生物) there, then migrating up toward the surface, where we saw them. They might be hanging around the banks because it could be a little safer than open water. We’ve seen them so rarely that we know very little about these baby manta rays. We don‘t know how far they move, or exactly what they feed on, or all of the habitats these access.”

            Giant manta rays are listed as species dying out by protectors, although actual population numbers of the mysterious "gentle giant" are hard to calculate. Sightings of the closely-related reef manta, however, have dropped by 90 percent in regions of southeast Asia in the past decade, according to a study.

            Fishing is considered the biggest threat to giant manta numbers, both intentional and accidental. Their gill plates(腮下肉)- the parts through which they filter(過濾) their food from seawater-are sold in China for medical purposes, while they often end up as something caught by mistake due to their huge wings.

            28.Where do the baby manta rays probably grow up according to the study?

            A. In the deep water area. B. On the surface of the sea water.

            C. Around the banks of channel. D. In the reef of the Gulf of Mexico.

            29.What can we learn from Paragraph3?

            A. Manta rays can be seen on the sea surface. B. Manta rays prefer the open water to the banks.

            C. The scientists have known much about manta rays.

            D. Manta rays are fond of eating on the sea surface.

            30.What is the main reason for the decrease of giant manta rays?

            A. The habitat environment becomes worse. B. They are overfished by people

            C. They are not very difficult to catch. D. People can see the reef manta much less than before.

            31.What does the author intend to do in the last paragraph?

            A. Summarize the previous paragraphs. B. Warn people of their wrong behaviors.

            C. Introduce some knowledge of the fish. D. Give examples to support his point.#p#副標題#e#


            Computers have beaten human world champions at chess and, earlier this year, the board game Go(圍棋). So far, though, they have struggled at the card table. So we challenged one AI(artificial intelligence) to a game.

            Why is poker so difficult? Chess and Go are “information complete” games where all players can see all the relevant information. In poker, other players’ cards are hidden, making it an “information incomplete” game. Players have to guess opponents’ hands from their actions----tricky for computers. Solving poker could lead to many breakthroughs, from cyber security to driverless cars.

            Scientists believe it is only a matter of time before AI once again vanquishes humans, so our human-machine match comes up in a game of Texas Hold’s Em Limit Poker. The AI was developed by Johannes Heinrich, a researcher studying machine learning at UCL. It combines two techniques: neural(神經(jīng)的)networks and reinforcement learning(強化學習).

            Neural networks, to some degree, copy the structure of human brains: their processors are highly interconnected and work at the same time to solve problems. They are good at spotting patterns in huge amounts of data. Reinforcement learning is when a machine, given a task, carries it out, learning from mistakes it makes. In this case, it means playing poker against itself billions of times to get better.

            Mr Heinrich told Sky News: “Today we are presenting a new procedure that has learned in a different way, more similar to how humans learn. In particular, it is able to learn abstract patterns, represented by its neural network, which allow it to deal with new and unseen situations.”

            After two hours of quite defensive play, from the computer at least, we called it a draw.

            32.Why can’t the computer beat humans at the poker game?

            A. Because humans are cleverer than the computer

            B. Because humans practice playing the poker game every day

            C. Because the computer can’t learn the regular rules of the poker game

            D. Because the computer can’t know the other players’ cards completely

            33.What does the underlined word “vanquishes” in Paragraph 3mean?

            A. Leaves B. Defeats C. Cheats D. Serves

            34.What do we know about the reinforcement learning of AI?

            A. It solves problems correctly every time B. It is the same as the learning of humans

            C. It learns from the mistakes appearing in a task

            D. It is more developed than the studying ways of humans

            35.What can be inferred from the text?

            A. The new procedure of AI has some features of humans

            B. Computers are stronger than humans in every aspect

            C. Humans will beat computers at playing poker forever

            D. Scientists feel unhappy about the result of the poker game



            The news media in the U. S. consist of radio, television and newspapers. Together they are everywhere on the lives of many Americans and influential on their daily routines. Many Americans begin their day by reading the newspaper or watching a morning news program on television while drinking their coffee. 36. Throughout the day the news is broadcast repeatedly on the radio and television.

            In the evening news is a main feature on television with up to two hours of news in the early evening and more news late at night. For those who prefer reading, the evening newspaper offers the reader the possibility of reading the news others see and hear on television.

            37. It is up to the general public to choose what to read, watch or listen to. Therefore, the media must have sensitivity to the interests of the public.

            News is a big business. However, it is a very competitive business, as each station or each newspaper competes for audiences and readers. 38. When an item becomes news worthy, such as an election or a war, Americans will become familiar with the details as the news media try to be as informative as possible. 39.

            The news media report the same news items regarded as the most interesting and impressive. 40. However, most Americans would not criticize their news media too harshly. The truth of the news media is generally acknowledged and accepted by the American public.

            A.Americans don’t have to pay for the services.

            B.The news media are free of government control.

            C.But the result is that the news becomes repeated.

            D.Sometimes they have to bear boring advertisements.

            E.Each tries to present the news Americans want to know.

            F.While driving to work, the news can be heard on the car radio.

            G.Listeners, viewers or readers might find it difficult to be selective.#p#副標題#e#

            第三部分 語言知識運用(共兩節(jié),45分)

            第一節(jié) 完形填空(共20小題;每小題1.5分,30分)


            When I was a young man I had much ego (自負). I thought I ___41____ everything. I looked forward to fame and success. I can even remember once in college ___42____ telling one of my friends: “If only everyone listened to me, then they would all be happy.” I ___43____ left school, ready to take on the world. Little did I know the world was about to take on me.

            In the ___44____ following college, instead of success, I found struggles. I had __45_____ in finding work. My jobs were either temporary or were ____46___ badly. When my wife and I had children, we were ___47____ to learn that both of our sons had Autism (自閉癥) and would need to be ___48____ for the rest of their lives. I had no ___49____why this had happened to us.

            In time, however, I began to ____50____. My ego was decreasing fast. Instead of success, I found my ___51_____ in moments of love. Playing and ____52____ with my sons brought me so much happiness. My boys ___53_____ me more about peace, patience, joy and love than I could have ever learned on my own. I began to share the ____54____ I learned through my writings and my life. I finally realized that my ____55____ in this world had nothing to do with fame or success. ____56____, it had everything to do with allowing love and light into my life and ____57____ it with everyone I could.

            You may not be happy of the time. ____58____ can be in this world. Yet, you will find a joy no earthly (世俗的) ____59____ could ever give. Put all of your moments, days, and years to good use then. ___60_____ them with love.

            41.A. knew B. deserved C. possessed D. confirmed

            42.A. calmly B. honestly C. proudly D. eagerly

            43.A. frequently B. finally C. suddenly D. smoothly

            44.A. years B. months C. weeks D. days

            45.A. fun B. regret C. power D. trouble

            46.A. done B. paid C. prepared D. judged

            47.A. exhausted B. annoyed C. shocked D. embarrassed

            48.A. taken charge of B. paid attention to C. put up with D. taken care of

            49.A. belief B. hope C. opinion D. idea

            50.A. agree B. change C. struggle D. improve

            51.A. challenge B. joy C. luck D. goal

            52.A. laughing B. toying C. swimming D. working

            53.A. fetched B. brought C. prepared D. taught

            54.A. theories B. contents C. lessons D. truths

            55.A. demand B. career C. purpose D. world

            56.A. Therefore B. Again C. Also D. Instead

            57.A. sharing B. owning C. admiring D. enjoying

            58.A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody D. Anybody

            59.A. person B. matter C. success D. experience

            60.A. Live B. Fill C. Exchange D. Equip

            第二節(jié) (共10小題;每小題1.5分,15分)


            Dujiangyan is the oldest man-made water system in the world, and a wonder in the development of Chinese science.61.(build) over 2, 200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering62.(achieve) is still used today.

            In ancient times, the region in which Dujiangyan now stands63.(suffer) from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River.64.(help) the victims of the flooding, Li Bing, the region governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution. Li Bing, the region governor, together with his son, decided t find a solution. Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally. 65.(good) still, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making66.suitable for farming.

            Once the system was finished, no more floods occurred and the people were able to live 67.(peaceful). Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature. Unlike modern dams68. the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally,69. (enable) ecosystem(生態(tài)系統(tǒng)) and fish populations to exist70.harmony.#p#副標題#e#

            第四部分 寫作(共兩節(jié),35分)

            第一節(jié) 短文改錯(共10小題;每小題1分,10分)






            Last Friday,our class have a discussion about which to do during the coming holiday.Some are in favor of staying at home.They think it’s both convenience and comfortable.Beside,they can save money for other purpose.But they will lose the chance of getting to know outside world.Others,on the other hand,would rather to go traveling since it can increase our knowledge.Therefore,they will spend more money and meet some difficulties while traveling.

            Personally,I’d like to stay at home,for I can do whatever I like,such as reading books,watching TV,or helping my parents on the housework.

            第二節(jié) 書面表達(共25分)

            假定你是李華,你的英國好友 Peter 8月份打算來中國旅游,想先學習一些中文,卻不知道如何入門。你決定幫助他,寫一份郵件告訴他你的想法。要點如下:

            (1) 你給他的學習建議




            (1) 詞數(shù)100詞左右;

            (2) 可以適當增加細節(jié),使行文連貫;

            (3) 郵件開頭結(jié)尾已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù)。

            Dear Peter,






            Looking forward to your early reply.


            Li Hua

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