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          高中 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 編輯:小新 2018-05-16 10:44:10











            3、非選擇題的作答:用簽字筆直接答在答題卡上對應(yīng)的答題區(qū)域內(nèi)。寫在試題卷、草稿紙 和答題卡上的非答題區(qū)域均無效。




            第一節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1.5分,7. 5分)

            聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出較佳選 項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有10秒鐘的時(shí)間來回答有關(guān)小題和閱讀下 一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

            例:How much is the shirt?

            A. £ 19.15. B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15. 答案是C

            1. How will the speakers go to Dallas?

            A. By car. B. By air. C. By train.

            2. What does the woman think the man should do?

            A. Take action now. B. Run longer time. C. Practice every day.

            3.How could the man stay in France for one month?

            A. He got enough money.

            B. He gave Chinese lessons.

            C. He worked as a tour guide.

            4.What does the woman think of the man?

            A. He is lazy. B. He is reliable. C. He is hardworking.

            5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

            A. Traffic jams. B. Transport system. C. Air pollution.


            聽下面5段對話或獨(dú)白。每段對話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè) 選項(xiàng)中選出較佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽每段對話或獨(dú)白前,你將有時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè)小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完后,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。


            6. Where are the two speakers?

            A. At home. B. At a party. C. At a car park.

            7. Who is the woman speaker going to talk to?

            A. The car owner. B. The man speaker. C. The lady in white.


            8. Where does Ms. Sharma work?

            A. In the Housing Office.

            B. In the Admission Office.

            C. In the General Information Office.

            9. What does the man speaker want to know from Ms . Sharma?

            A. Housing fees. B. Schooling fees. C. Registration fees.


            10. What is the girl asking about?

            A. How to exercise. B. How to plan a trip. C. How to make money.

            11. What is the father’s first suggestion?

            A. Putting an advertisement. B. Buying a bike. C. Sending papers.

            12. Why does the girl prefer the job of walking dogs?

            A. She likes nature. B. She likes animals. C. She likes walking.#p#副標(biāo)題#e#


            13. Who made the Italian chicken?

            A . The man’s girlfriend. B . The man’s mother . C. The man speaker.

            14. What might have made the chicken green?

            A. A teaspoon of sauce (沙司).

            B.A half cup of sauce.

            C.A half cup of onions.

            15. Why did the man make the chicken?

            A. To please his girlfriend.

            B. To prove himself foolish.

            C. To satisfy his own interest.

            16. What is the man worried about?

            A. Losing money. B. Losing face. C. Losing appetite.


            17. What happened to some of the swimming pigs?

            A. They’re dead. B. They’re drunk. C. They’re injured.

            18. Who is to blame for the damage to the pigs?

            A. The tourists. B. The government. C. The shop owner.

            19. How many swimming pigs were living near “Pig Beach”?

            A. About 7. B. About 15. C. About 22.

            20. What has been done to protect the animals?

            A. Building a special zoo.

            B. Keeping tourists away.

            C. Lengthening the boundary lines.



            閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D )中,選出較佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。


            Sometimes we start a day with the previous day still in mind. We think about the mistakes we made in the previous day, how things went wrong, and how we felt bad about it. No wonder it becomes difficult to focus on the current day.

            Here are some steps on how to start your new day fresh:

            1. Take time to evaluate your day

            At the end of a day, take some time to think about it. The purpose of this thinking time is not to regret how bad your day was, how things went wrong, or how people treated you badly. This won’t do you any good. Instead, the purpose of this thinking time is to extract ( 吸取) lessons which you can bring to the following day.

            2. Make a commitment to apply the lessons

            After you extract the lessons, you should make a commitment to apply them. To do so, find some actionable things you can do to apply the lessons. Next, remind yourself to do them. You may write them down if you want to.

            3. “Close” your day

            After you have spent the time to think about the day and extract the lessons, make a decision to “close” the day. You are done with it; don’t think about it anymore.

            4 .Bring only the lessons to the next day and nothing else

            After you “close” a day, you should not bring anything out of it to the next day except for the lessons you extract. Focus on applying the lessons to the present. This way you will be able to start your day fresh without the burden of yesterday.

            20. What will happen if we think too much about the past?

            A. There will be a disaster. B. There will be good results.

            C. We won’t have a peaceful mind. D. We surely won’t finish today’s task.

            21. When should we draw lessons from the past mistakes?

            A. At the end of a day. B. When we make mistakes.

            C. At the beginning of a day. D. When we regret making the mistakes.

            22. Why should we extract lessons from the past day?

            A. To set them down. B. To consider them again.

            C. To make a better decision. D. To apply them for future use.


            For years, my time spent in the shower could have got me a mention in Guinness World Records as the shortest time taken to bathe. I hurried up during this process.

            One day, however, while at a party, I heard an artist friend telling everybody that his idea came while he was having a shower. “What about you?" he asked, "Don’t you get your creative thoughts from the same place?”

            “I'm in and out in a hurry,” I told him proudly. “I have no time to waste!”

            “What a pity,” he said. “That’s the place where you need to slow down; plenty of great thoughts come from there!” I tried it out. I slowed down the whole process, started enjoying the warm water, taking a little longer to soap myself and even spending more time just enjoying the process, and realized how much I had missed in hurrying up all these years.

            A woman told me how much stress her friend was suffering from and how she sought to convince her that she needed to find ways to relax. She gave her a videotape on stress management and relaxation techniques, and encouraged her to watch it right away. Fifteen minutes later, her friend handed back the tape. “It was good,”she said,“but I don’t need it. ”

            “But it’s a 70 - minute video,” the woman replied. “You couldn’t have watched the whole thing.”

            “Yes, I did,” her friend said. “I put it in fast - forward!”

            A major social problem of the 21st century is Hurry Sickness. We hurry through work. We swallow fast food. We complain that we don’t have enough time. We race through the days and weeks until one day we look back in amazement and comment, “My god, how the years flew by!” Then we realize the heavy price we have paid for traveling fast.

            Symptoms of Hurry Sickness include stress and anxiety, bad relationships, lowered work performance and even disease. Some people don’t survive it. What’s the cure? Slow down, for life is so short and precious that we must live it well.#p#副標(biāo)題#e#

            23. What was the advantage of taking a shower in the eyes of the artist friend?

            A. Time was saved. B. Nothing was missed.

            C. Great ideas flew away. D. Creative thoughts came.

            24. What was the trouble with the woman’s friend?

            A. She felt stressed. B. She found the tape useless.

            C. She found no way to relax. D. She watched the tape too fast.

            25. What are the major trouble people face in the 21st century in the writer’s eyes?

            A. People run fast to work. B. Everything is done in a hurry.

            C. People don’t have enough time. D. Time flies without being noticed.

            26. How can the problem be settled?

            A. By pacing down. B. By learning to survive.

            C. By developing friendship. D. By performing good work.


            It could have been any of us, but it happened to be me. I received a brief 18 months of undivided attention and love as the only child, before three more appeared. The second was a severe blow. No doubt, learning the need to share was important, but I had tasted the life of an only child.

            Then came years of requests to look after the siblings (兄弟姐妹),being urged that, You should be setting a better example, “Again and again the others got away with doing wrong but I didn’t. We each played our roles: the second one who later skipped school to meet boys; the ever so attractive third, the boy who could do no wrong; and finally the surprise appearance of the fourth, seemed certain to be spoiled even now. So that left me: the reasonable, quiet one who got the grades, did the housework and became a chameleon ( 變色龍)—skilled at reading a situation and being what was needed.

            Then eventually came the chance to be the first to leave and experience life on the outside,not defined (定義)as the eldest. The moment I had waited for. But now, many years later, being the eldest matters again. It's down to me; it seems, to take the lead in caring for our parents. All the time I was made to learn about sharing; however, when it comes to responsibility, it no longer seems to apply. The others are too busy, too far away, or too unconcerned. So dutifully I travel many times across the country for hours to provide care and support. Requests to my siblings to help out more fall on deaf ears. To me, the dutiful first born, it feels like the right and only thing to do; to be there for our parents as they were for us. Sadly, that feeling isn’t shared by the second, third or fourth.

            27. How does the author comment on the four children in the second paragraph?

            A. Angrily and Bitterly. B. Angrily and proudly.

            C. Bitterly and humorously. D. Humorously and proudly.

            28. How did the author develop his social skills?

            A. Through hard work. B. With the parents’ help.

            C. At the parents’ request. D. In practice for effectiveness.

            29. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refers to?

            A. To care for the old. B. To help the young.

            C. To live outside alone. D. To travel nationwide.

            30. What can we learn from the text?

            A. The writer hates to be the eldest.

            B. The writer feels proud of his role.

            C. The writer is satisfied with his attempt.

            D. The writer is regretful about the siblings.


            The Maltese Islands are rich in Neolithic ( 新石器時(shí)代的)sites. Ggantija in Gozo, Tarxien, and the Hagar Qim/Mnajdra Complex here on Malta’s south coast are perhaps the most well known. These piles of stones are some of the earliest known manmade structures in the world. They are showing their age a bit but what would you expect for buildings that are five and a half thousand years old. My house was built in the year 2000 and is already in bad condition round the edges. These temples are older than the pyramids!

            In my opinion the temples are best seen after the visitors have left. Come with me for a late afternoon walk down the hill past Hagar Qim towards the Mnajdra Complex. There are chain link fences around the temples now but we can ignore those and try to image why Maltas earliest people went to the trouble of building these structures on this windy and poor hillside.

            Of course the temples would have looked rather different when they were constructed. They may have been decorated with pigments and possibly even roofed with animal skins or other materials. Who knows? We do know that they were changed and added to over a 1,000 - year period or so.

            Getting to Mnajdra and Hagar Qim is easiest if you have a car. Or if you don’t mind a hike, you could get a bus to Qrendi(3 km away) or Zurrieq (5 km away) and walk from there. Warning: although the distances are not too great ,walking several kilometers in the Maltese sun can be very hard and possibly dangerous. Take water and sunscreen.

            32. What makes the writer wonder about the temples?

            A. Their history. B. Their appearance.

            C. How they were built. D. When they were built.

            33. What are we aware of about the construction of the temples?

            A. They have been transformed. B. They look the same as before.

            C. They were carefully designed. D. They are not what they used to be.

            34. How can we admire the sites getting least sunburn?

            A. By hiking there. B. By riding a car.

            C. By taking water. D. By taking a bus.

            35. Where can we possibly find this article?

            A. In a political speech. B. In a historical fiction.

            C. In a travel magazine. D. In a geography text book.#p#副標(biāo)題#e#


            根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的較佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為 多余選項(xiàng)。

            Perhaps at one point in time,it was acceptable to start any letter or e-mail with “To Whom It May Concern. ” 36 Starting your cover letter or e-mail for a job this way might give off the impression that you didn’t do your research on who you're writing to. 37 After all, people who address other people by their names when writing and speaking to them tend to be more pleasant.

            38 It can be used in letters of recommendation or reference, formal complaints ( 抱怨) made to a company, letters of introduction, and letters of interest.

            Grammarly uses the example of needing to write a letter of recommendation for a colleague who will have to make several copies to distribute to interviewers. 39 “In most cases, though, try to narrow your focus rather than cast a broad net,” notes Grammarly.”Ask yourself 'Who does this e-mail concern? If you can honestly answer ‘Anyone, ‘then feel free to use“ To Whom It May Concern.” (These are the things you should never say in your cover letter.)

            If you do happen to find that using “To Whom It May Concern” is appropriate, don’t make grammar mistakes, for example, letters or punctuation. 40 .

            A. However, it may be interesting.

            B. Those times have changed, though.

            C. Making mistakes in writing will surely get you low scores.

            D. Its also very impersonal, which some employers might not appreciate.

            E. In that circumstance, sending and receiving letters is more of a formal greeting.

            F. You might want to take note of other common errors you might be committing, too.

            G. But according to Grammarly, there are four times when it’s OK to use this greeting.



            閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白 處的較佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。

            My mother was a nurse and often took me along to visit the families she was caring for. Among them was a woman who had a 41 disease and was always lying on the bed. One afternoon, my mom told me that we needed to 42 the woman at her home to 43 treatment, and we would stop at a store 44 . I thought we would stop at a 45 store, but we pulled up to a 46 . My mom headed to the make - up 47 and bought the most expensive bottle of 48 they offered. She also bought a 49 nightdress. When I asked my mom who these things were for, she said they were for her patient. My mom 50 explained that although this woman was older and unable to 51 her bed, she was still a lady, and she 52 dignity and beauty. She 53 to me that when we care for someone,

            we 54 the disability or the illness and we look into the 55 of the human so we can connect with them with sympathy. I 56 realized that my mother’s 57 strengths were caring for the very young and the very old, those who can not 58 for themselves and need trustworthy care providers. I knew in 9th grade I would become a 59 . Today, I work as a clinical psychologist, and I'm not 60 that I find my practice filled with patients who are very young and very old.

            41 A. common B. serious C. rare D. active

            42 A. study B. search C. persuade D. visit

            43 A. help with B. respond to C. require D. get

            44 A. all the way B. the other way C. on the way D. in the way

            45 A. fruit B. clothing C. drug D. specialty

            46 A. garage B. restaurant C. factory D. supermarket

            47 A. counter B. room C. mirror D. box

            48 A. wine B. perfume C. juice D. milk

            49 A. comfortable B. fashionable C. useful D. beautiful

            50 A. further B. thus C. still D. once

            51 A. approach B. make C. leave D. touch

            52 A. managed B. deserved C. challenged D. requested

            53 A. turned B. reported C. wrote D. explained

            54 A. look for B. look at C. look up D. look past

            55 A. courage B. future C. soul D. development

            56 A. even B. soon C. never D. again

            57 A. great B. financial C. physical D. various

            58 A. prepare B. arrange C. advocate D. support

            59 A. writer B. doctor C. chemist D. patient

            60 A. surprised B. pleased C. positive D. silent




            With the new term 61 (approach), Bertha Berger struggled to put on her blue jeans. She stepped on the bathroom scale (秤).She had never seen such a high number on the little scale, so she decided to change. That day she threw out all the junk food in her fridge and went grocery shopping. 62 (determine) to lose weight; she bought low - fat versions of all her favorite foods. She had two low - sodium (鈉)bacon 63 (sandwich ) with a diet soda for lunch. The food contained over 1,200 calories but had very little salt. For dinner she ate two turkey burgers with reduced - fat cheese. 64 she had received over 2,000 calories,Bertha felt that she needed a reward. Then for dessert she ate one low - calorie ice - cream sandwich. And 65 bed she ate a bag of baked potato chips,which she thought were 66 (healthy ) than normal chips,even if they had 67 (rough) the same amount of calories. She dipped them in low - fat cream cheese. Bertha 68 (consume)

            around 6,500 calories that day,but she felt skinny. When she woke 69 the next morning, she stepped on the scale. She couldn’t wait to see how 70 (success) her diet had been.#p#副標(biāo)題#e#


            第一節(jié) 短文改錯(cuò)(共10小題;每小題1分,10分)





            注意:1. 每處錯(cuò)誤及其修改均僅限一詞;

            2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計(jì)分。

            That night was extremely hot, so I opened all the windows and doors. Gradually, I fall asleep. It suddenly rained heavy in the midnight and I felt cold. The next morning I was ill. Mother took me to the hospital,but the doctor said I had a fever and that I must stay in bed in a couple of days. Back at home,I took some medicine and soon felt much well. Feeling bored,I walked to the balcony and stood there watching people come and going in the street. The wind was cool before the rain. In a while I felt so cold my body was trembling. I was rushed to the hospital again. That time I stayed there until I was fully recovered.


            假定你是李華,你的美國朋友James的爺爺奶奶聽說中國老人晚年生活豐富多彩,想 來中國體驗(yàn)一段時(shí)間。請你給James寫一封信,邀請他的爺爺奶奶來中國并介紹中國老 人的晚年生活。







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